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Science and Technology

At Hart Magnet School, we implement the district curriculum with a focus on Science and Technology.  Each grade level reflects a science theme so that...


child zoologists

Kindergarten are Zoologists:  

Introducing kids to zoology at a young age sparks their curiosity about the animal kingdom. Students are engaged in exploring the wonders of the animal kingdom through hands-on activities, educational games, crafts and songs. 

child botantist

First Graders are Biologists: 

We study the structure and function of living things.  First Grade incorporated a Bird Unit, designed and led by Andrea Baden, who is a biological anthropologist at Hunter College.  We study birds in our own Hart School garden, make bird feeders and culminate with a visit to Mill River to do some birdwatching and learn more with the Mill River instructors.  First grade also studies light and sound, air and weather, and plants and animals.

child botanist

Second Graders are Botanists:   

We are Botanists in Second Grade.  We will look at the life cycle of plants and will learn why each part is important.  We will look at the different ways that seeds can travel.   We will also explore different types of plants in the Hart garden during each season to observe how they change.  Finally, we will grow Wisconsin Fast Plants to be able to see the life cycle in action.  It is a great time to be a Botanist!

children conservationists

Third Graders are Conservationists: 

In collaboration with Mill River Park and Sound Waters, we are conservationists. Our goal is to have students observe, study and explore the importance of protecting and caring for the habitats within the city of Stamford.

child inventor

Fourth Graders are Inventors:

Our Fourth Graders blend creativity and engineering this year!  During the year we study famous inventors, build DaVinci bridges, invent new instruments, and are introduced to Makey Makeys!

children engineers

Fifth Graders are Engineers:

Engineering is the use of math and science to solve real-world problems. As engineers, we creatively solve problems through a design process.  Students are introduced to a variety of engineering fields while learning to collaborate through design challenges. Our curriculum is infused within core literacy, math, and science curriculum. The five-step Design & Engineering Process includes:

  • Identifying the challenge
  • Brainstorming ideas & solutions
  • Building a prototype
  • Testing and improving the design
  • Explaining the design



hart school logoHart Magnet Partnership with Snapology

As a science and technology school, we provide our students with fun and engaging hands-on opportunities with Snapology that allow them to combine play with education, teamwork, and social skills. Snapology, Kimone Johnson, and aria Guzda collaborated to create individualized programs that integrate our schools K-5 science themes: Zoology, Biology, Botany, Conservatism, Inventing, and Engineering. Each classroom was provided an interactive environment to learn science, technology, engineering, robotics, art, and math using LEGO® bricks and other tools to empower their creativity. Hart Magnet teachers and students are proud to partner with Snapology!

Snapology partnership

snapology partnership



Scientists Like Us

Dr. Andrea Baden, Conservation Biologist, visited Hart Magnet’s third through fifth grade students for our ‘Scientists Like Us’ series. She spoke about her career journey and the wonderful work she currently does in Madagascar with various species of lemurs. Students were engaged in a fabulous presentation and actively participated in a Q&A. Who knows, we might have future conservationists at Hart! (**Fun Fact our 3rd Grade theme is Conservationism!


Mill River Partnership

As partners with Mill River, our third grade students at Hart enjoyed an amazing science experience at Mill River Park & The Whittingham Discovery Center. In conjunction with their SPS animal studies unit, the students had a wonderful opportunity to get up close and personal with many local animals living in their native environment. Students enjoyed participating in investigations on a beautiful nature walk through the park as well as interacting hands-on with animals in the Discovery Center. The Mill River event was truly a memorable experience for all! 



Second Grade Botanists

Second Graders at Hart are Botanists! Dr. Andrea Baden, professor and field biologist at Hunter College CUNY, and her NYCEP graduate student intern, Brynn Lowery, recently met with all five second grade classes in our Hart garden. Students learned about the different plants in the garden, observed, sketched pictures, and took notes about each of them. Some classes even created plant prints. This will happen three more times throughout this year so the students can compare how the plants look during each season. It’s a great time to be a Botanist!


Light & Sound in First Grade

We are learning about light and sound in science.  We used flashlights to make shadows and shadow puppets.  We learned that a vibrating object makes sound.  We used the xylophone to learn about volume and pitch.




Dissection in Fourth Grade

Fourth Graders had the opportunity to dissect squid in science!  They saw the structure and function of the organs and recorded their observations.